
Brins Reviews Things

For every possible angle on things that Brins can think of

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Friday, December 02, 2005
  An Induction Process (Introduction)

Welcome to Brins Reviews Things, a prototype version of a reviewing blog, created by Brins of the blog that link on the name goes to. I'm Brins, by the way.

At this time, I have not announced the creation of this blog on the CICC (acronym of my main blog's title, hereafter referred to as that acronym for all accounting purposes). If you're here, you've just arrived at the beginning of what might become an interesting development, so please check back now and again for news and the reviews of Brins.

That's all that's to be said for this induction process, at least for the timebeing. Would all students please leave the lecture hall via the undesignated exit, and be th- huh?! Wh-What?! NO!! Sto-STOP!! Leave the chairs where they - th- my eyes!!

Only joking! Look, my eyes are fine!


Brins would appreciate it if you didn't swear in your comments

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