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Wednesday, December 07, 2005
  The Grades

You might have noticed that I described the first review here as a Grade 2 review. What does that mean?

At the moment it doesn't mean anything, because I only put it in because I thought I'd like to grade the reviews on some scale or other. In several minutes after the time of writing this sentence, I will have hopefully written a grade scale which you can now read.

Grade 1: A small, summary-like review. Perhaps not to be taken too heavily, since it won't be taking in all the angles of the reviewed item like I would do with longer reviews.

Grade 2: A longer review than Grade 1, and one which tries to take in many angles, but which is probably reviewing something I thought of for fun.

Grade 3: If this blog works out well, these will be the reviews I'll be aiming to do most - reviewing things I would like to review quite genuinely, and with sincerity. The many things I've been through in life that I'd like to review, and when I say 'things I've been through', come to think of it, I might just take that idea further.

So, three grades made up on the spot to give this review blog a direction. The games will begin soon.

And, oh look! I was right! I did indeed write some grade definitions in the minutes between this sentence and the sentence where I said that I would. Congrations! I know, I missed out a syllable! Yip!


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